Our Ongoing Projects

Help Us Build Our Dream Projects..

Since 2015, Vatika Animal Sanctuary has been at the forefront of rescuing and caring for animals. We address accidents, hit-and-runs, and major illnesses like cancer. Our sanctuary offers vital refuge for homeless and injured animals, providing treatment, nourishment, and support. Community generosity fuels our mission.

Animal Hospital & Birth Control Center

What We Have
What We Need

What we have..

Presently our treatment hall has an area of 1000sqft. It has 16 ICU kennels, two small medical storage rooms which is converted into an Operation Theater whenever there is a surgery. In this 1000sqft area 75+ critical and semi critical dogs live in a congested place which has high risk of spread of infection. Due to lack of space we cannot treat more animals here and provide them shelter. READ MORE..

What we need :

As per the number of admissions we have, we would require a new setup close to 3200sqft which can admit and treat  200+critically sick dogs or other small animals in a month. The new 900 sqft  ABC center has separate kennels, separate OT  for post operative care with  a capacity to operate 20+ dogs daily.  Any other sick dog will not stay with the dogs that have come just for birth control. This would increase the healing time of an operated dog, reduce the risk of cross infection and will allow us to run smooth management. READ MORE..

ICU & Diagnosis Lab

What We Have
What We Need

What we have..

Our ICU can hold only 16 critical dogs on a go; the number of critical dogs per day is 50-70 or more. We have to wait for a kennel to get empty in order for another sick animal to get admitted.

As the number of our intakes is increasing so it is the dire need to store more food and medical supply. READ MORE..

What We Need:

We need to build new ICU, with a capacity to admit 50+ dogs on a go & more Storage areas ASAP. Our present facility is too small to provide treatment and shelter to more animals in need. We run a very active rescue service and would like to admit more needy animals and that is why needed to expand our facility. With the intake of more animals there is a need for more safe storage for medical supplies and food items. Please see the project and help us over come this challenge. READ MORE..

Sheds & Rooms For Dogs

What We Have
What We Need

What we have:

After shifting to this place in 2019 our recues increased, being in a village area there has been always unavailability of contractors and workers. Somehow we found masons and unskilled laborers and managed to build temporary sheds in 3000sqft slowly, bit by bit in 4years. It helped us to save thousands of lives but is now crowded with animals and needs new construction. READ MORE..

What we need:

With the increase of rescues there has been variety of dogs coming in with health issues and that needs separate housing facility depending upon disease and temperament: 1100+ sqft  Separate Cancer recovery area which ca house and treat 25+ cancer patients at a time, 1100+  sqft  Separate shed for Old, blind, weak dogs, 1200sqft paralysed dog shed, 100 sqft partial isolation area for post operative care. READ MORE..

Office, Admin & Accommodation

What We Have
What We Need

What We Have:

As rescues our paperwork are an integral part of functioning the organization. Our present office, admin and accommodation is 100sqft office which is often occupied with medicine or dogs. Office has medical records and a small admin setup to document activities of everyday. This room is being used by store manager, medical team and admin together which causes huge chaos as all three are different departments. READ MORE..

What We Need:

2300+sqft office and admin area for paper works, awareness programs, meetings and seminars regarding animal welfare. 1300+ sqft Accommodation for shelter staff, 4100+  sqft accommodation for admin staff, volunteers, managers, doctors, 3100+ Sqft staff mess or pantry, store room to serve and cook food for 20+ animal workers at a time. READ MORE..

Large Animal Section

What We Have
What We Need

We often get casualties of large animals like bulls, calves, donkeys, moles, camels, etc and we have built a temporary structure where dozens of large animals have been given treatment and care.

What We Have: Temporary shed : 250sqft, No fodder room or medical room, Temporary flooring. 


What We Need:

  • 1070 sqft large animal shed for bulls with fodder room and medical store
  • 1590 sqft area with large a Hospital building


They Need Your Help!

They Need Your Help!


Virtual Adoption of a special need dog means giving lifelong support to a rescued dog in our care.


Your donations help in rescue, treatment, rehabilitation & spay/neuter of homeless animals.

A Chance for Every Paw

With your help, we can provide shelter, food, and medical care to animals in need. Together, let’s give the injured stray a safe home.

Their Second Chance Starts with You

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